Tuesday, 29 May 2007

2nd international ‘art in the forest’ workshop in Nairobi Kenya 2007

The forest workshop has various objectives. Firstly, to invite the Kenyan public to “re-look” at the issue of deforestation and our loss of wilderness sites and to re-ignite our desire to keep these sites healthy and alive. Secondly, to challenge Kenyan artists to work in a completely different and new environment which may make them and the public question their ideas on art. Kuona trust is seeking applications from interested artists willing to take part in a two week workshop in the Ngong forest sanctuary in Nairobi from the 17th September to the 29th of September 2007

Applicants must

  • be professional artists
  • be willing to work on nature related themes while in the forest using found materials
  • submit an application with 6 image of their work
  • submit a c.v
  • submit a letter of intent
  • be able to provide their own airfare to and from Nairobi
  • have medical and travel insuarance

Kuona will provide

  • accommodation while you are in Nairobi
  • free meals for the two weeks
  • transport for the duration of the workshop

All applications must reach Michael soi on smichael@kuonatrust.org by July 1st 2007 at 4 pm

Monday, 28 May 2007

23 May 2007: Residency Artists' Exhibition

Despite the bitter cold that gripped Johannesburg last week, the residency artists managed to pull a fair sized crowd for their exhibition that opened on 23 May 2007. The exhibition which features work by Stuart Whipps, Jasone Miranda Bilbao and Babak Fakhamzadeh closes this week Wednesday 30 May 2007.

Some images from the opening:

Invitation to Apply for Triangle Residency Fellowship Programme in Vermont

The Vermont Studio Center (VSC) is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual VSC/Triangle Residency Fellowships Program for Artists from the Middle East and Africa, funded by the Ford Foundation and administered in conjunction with the Triangle New York network of workshops and residencies.

All Middle Eastern and African artists are welcome to apply for the three (3) available awards; however, artists who have previously won one of the Ford/Triangle/VSC awards are ineligible. Each Fellowship includes an 8-week Residency at the Vermont Studio Center in September and October of 2007, followed by a one-week cultural trip to New York City museums and galleries hosted by Triangle New York. For the Vermont residency component, each award includes individual studio space, housing, meals, a roundtrip travel stipend, traveler’s insurance, materials and shipping allowances, and a daily living stipend.

Application forms and further information can be found at www.vermontstudiocenter.org/triangle. Application materials must be received at the Studio Center by June 15, 2007.

Vermont Studio Center
PO Box 613
Johnson, VT USA

Tel: + 802-635-2727
Fax: +802-635-2730

Monday, 21 May 2007

The Bag Factory Invites Applications For Artists’ Studios

The Bag Factory invites applications from professional practicing artists for studio space.

Applications must include:
* +- 7 images of recent work
* Recent CV
* A letter of motivation detailing why you would like to occupy a studio at the Bag Factory

Send to info@bagfactoryart.org.za.
Please do not send images larger than 200k.
Emails larger than 2MB will automatically be deleted.

Drop off:
Deliver your application in person to

The Bag Factory,
10 Mahlatini St,

Offices hours are 9am - 4pm.

Postal Address:
Bag Factory Studio Application
Fordsburg Artists Studios
PO Box 794
South Africa

011 834 9181

Dead Line for Applications:
20 June 2007

Friday, 18 May 2007

Artists at Work

Jasone Miranda Bilbao at Top Star Drive In. 26 April 2007.

Babak Fakhamzadeh at Top Star Drive In. 26 April 2007.

Stuart Whipps at work in his Studio and some random dated objects he has found on his explorations of derelict buildings.

The residency artists will be opening their group show next week Wednesday (23 May 2007) at 5:30 for 6pm. Please join us at The Bag Factory, 10 Mahlatini Street Fordsburg Johannesburg. For Directions please consult the map.

The show runs until the 30 May and there will be a walkabout and presentation by the artists on Friday 25 May at 3:30pm.

2007 PPC Young Concrete Sculptor Awards

South Africa's leading cement producer, PPC Cement, would like to invite all artists 'young' in the art of sculpting to participate in the 2007 PPC Young Concrete Sculptor Awards. The competition is open to sculptors who are 18 years and older, or who have no formal training and have recently become acquainted with concrete as a medium.

Prize money of R20 000 will be awarded to the winner of each of the two equally important categories: Best Sculptor on Exhibition; and Technical Excellence in Concrete Sculpture.

R7 500 will be awarded to the runners up in each category and a R2 500 merit award will be awarded in each category.

Further information and entry forms may be obtained from either Beth Harris at PPC Cement, Sandton,

Tel: (011) 386 9095

Fax:(011)386 9108



Nandi Hilliard at Association of Arts Pretoria,

Tel: (012) 346 3100

Fax: (012) 346 3125


Photographic entries for pre-selection are due by September 20 while chosen works for final judging need to be submitted by October 24. The official prize-giving ceremony and opening of the two week exhibition will take place at the Association of Arts Pretoria on October 13

Friday, 11 May 2007

Ekurhuleni National Fine Arts Award

Artists’ with a valid South African I.D. booklet are eligible to enter Ekurhuleni National Fine Arts Award.

Entry Dates and Venues:

Coen Scholtz Recreation Centre Mooifontein Road, Birchleigh North, Kempton Park
9:00 – 19:00 – 29, 30, 31 May 2007

Springs Gallery cnr 5th & 6th Ave, Springs
9:00 – 16:00 – 29 & 30 May 2007

Katlehong Art Centre 203 Sontonga Street, Phooko Section, Katlehong
9:00 – 16:00 -29 May 2007

Barry de Villiers Art Gallery Boksburg Library Building, Trichardt Street, Boksburg
9:00 – 16:00 – 30 May 2007

An entry fee of R50.00 per artwork is payable on entering an artwork into the competition.

Official Opening and Prize giving Ceremony:

Date: 23 June 2007
Time: 18:00
Venue: Coen Scoltz Recreation Centre


First Prize: R30 000.00
Ekurhuleni Prize: R20 000.00
Four Media Specific Merit Prizes: R5 000

Enquiries: Visual Arts Curator (011) 391 1006/7 or (011) 921 - 2064