Friday, 22 August 2008

“A living legacy”, curated by Bongi Bengu and Nathi Gumede

Exhibition title: “a living legacy”
Exhibition venue: Kizo Art Gallery (Upstairs Gallery)
Exhibition launch date: 1 September 2008 at 6:30P.M.
Exhibition closes: 30 September 2008
Artist names: Sam Nhlengethwa, David Koloane, Pat Mautloa, Helen Sebidi, Dinkies Sithole, Nontobeko Ntombela, Johan Thom, Colbert Mashile, Themba Shibase, Sharlene Khan, Sifiso KaMkame, Gabi Nkosi, Esther Mahlangu and others

A living legacy is the biggest and significant curated heritage exhibition in KZN. The exhibition is part of a larger heritage festival under the hospices of Kizo Art Gallery with a title “Umgido, KZN Heritage festival”.

The exhibition intends to investigate the legacy and the contribution of experienced artists (deceased or alive) as to how this legacy moulds the practice today. Art as in many other industries here in South Africa is not immune to the history of this country and the project will look at the link between the practices then and how it influences the industry today.

Are artist today able to create art without the need to reference history of South Africa, i.e. apartheid and its legacy?

KZN as a province has contributed greatly to the creative industry of South Africa and an exhibition like this is appropriate for Durban as it will also investigate how many of the more established artists are still practicing in Durban and what legacy they are leaving behind.

For more information contact:
Bongi Bengu
Tel: 0826770634
Fax: (011) 8386791

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Residency Artists Presentation on Wednesday at 4:30pm

The Bag Factory invites you to an informal presentation by the current artists in residence at the Bag Factory.

Hans Wilschut (Netherlands), Ndikhumbule Ngquinambi (Cape Town) and Sita Moyo (Durban) will be offering brief presentations of their careers as artists and their current projects, after which they will be free to answer your questions in an informal session with coffee and muffins.

The presentations will commence at 4:30pm on Wednesday 20 August (tomorrow afternoon).

The Bag Factory Artists’ Studios
10 Mahlatini Street, Fordsburg, Johannesburg
Tel: (011) 834 9181
Fax: (011) 838-6791


Monday, 18 August 2008

ITCH Online Magazine Calls for submissions

ITCH Online Magazine invites Visual and Text responses for their second issue. The theme for this issue is *
Requirements for submissions are:
Text submissions:
• No longer than 2500 words. (We know the web is unlimited, but most web-readers attention spans are not!)
• Please submit in an unformatted Word document.
• Any form of poetry, prose, fiction or non-fictional, creative or journalistic, public or private writing is welcome.
• An accompanying illustration may be submitted. Must be in JPG format, and no larger than 1MB.
• Audio files are welcome (recordings of your poetry, prose, song lyrics or opinions).
• Book reviews welcome. Please keep them to about 500 words and include full details of the book you are reviewing (author, publication date, publisher, etc.)
Visual submissions:
• Anything from 1 – 8 images. If you are submitting more than one image, please ensure that they are part of some kind of series (i.e. no arbitrary collection of portfolio shots).
• Must be in JPG format, and no larger than 1MB per image.
• Must be accompanied by a title (even if untitled), year of production, and a very short abstract/explanation.
• Multimedia files welcome (animations, short films, etc)
• Submissions for the cover image are welcome. Please follow the format that you see on the home page. If you don't make it on to the cover the work will still be considered for a feature.
All submissions:
• Must include name, e-mail and telephone number of contributor, and a short biography.
• Feel free to include a link to your webpage.
Submit all work via e-mail to the ITCH editor.

Deadline: September 7, 2008. E-mail submissions to the ITCH editor.
Please note that submissions for the next print issue are NOT currently open. To subscribe to our mailing list in order to be informed of when the next print call for submissions will be open, click here.


12 months on display
Value of the awards 9,290 Euro

Submit Now! -

All entries go through a two-step selection process. The competition is judged solely by visuals submitted inline or attachment send to: Numbers of entries: 6 -12 works /image files submitted on-line. We can review your site for this purpose.

1st step selection

The first screening is free and is conducted by review of website for this purpose or on Jpeg [.JPG] versions of the submitted works inline or attachment (send to: ).

2nd step selection
Submitters whose entries pass the first screening are requested to submit inline or attachment the works (JPGs image files 72 dpi up to 600 pix. along the works details -title, year, medium, size, price and the fee payment.

Application fee
There is a US$ 80 / EUR 50 entry fee for 6 works. and US$ 15 / EUR 10 for each additional work.
(NOTE: submitters whose entries pass the first screening only will be requested the competition fee).

The competition will be conducted in two rounds: preliminary and final assessment. Only works that pass the preliminary judging will advance to the final round. Judging Panel: Andrea Pagnez, art critic, fine artist, editor, curator (Venice Biennial), Florence; Christopher Chamber, art critic, fine artist, editor, New York; Marta Dimitrescu, fine artist, director, editor, London; Åke Wallén, Director BGAB, art collector, Stockholm.

70 prizewinners will be awarded.
Grand Prize: One Artists will be awarded two-pages in FINE ART artoteque harcover art book, value $4,490.00.
Award of Distinction: Two Artists will be awarded one-page in FINE ART harcover art book, value $2,250.00.
Honorable Mention: 65 Artists will be selected for Diploma of Excellence (Honorable Award)

Materials to be received

Submit on-line 6 ~12 works /JPG s image files 72 dpi up to 600 pix. All submissions must be mailed to

Exhibition Period
Deadlines : the earlier the better

E-mail Address to Submit

VANSA: Call for Submission of Comment and Artwork

The Visual Arts Network of South Africa (VANSA) invites you to comment or submit artwork on the Theme Wealth in relation to the contemporary visual art beyond but not excluding finance. Selected comments and artwork will be published in the September edition of the National Newsletter.

Please note the following:
The comment should address the theme.
The comment should be between 250 and 500 words.
The use of clear and accessible language is encouraged.
The comment will be edited taking into consideration that meaning is not changed.
Printing of the comment is subject to VANSA discretion.

A4 Double page spread (DPS) format.
Reproduced in Black and White.
Must make some reference to the overall theme of the newsletter.

Submission deadline 25 August to:

More Info:
Bandile Gumbi
VANSA National Co-ordinator
Tel: +27 (0)11 833 7908
Fax: +27 (0)86 662 2074
Cell: +27 (0)73 080 9610


Happy Dhlame invites you and your friends for the opening at Maps (Harrie's Pancake) the 23rd August at 3pm.

Map-South Africa-Pretoria Happy Dhlame VIOLENTLY HAPPY

Opening Reception:15h00 Saturday 23 August 2008

Destination: Harrie's Pancakes, Eastwood Village, Corner Eastwood & Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria

T: +27 12 342 3613

Hours: Mon-Sun 9am­9pm

Friday, 8 August 2008


Workshop Dates: 26 September to 11 October 2008



from Friday the 26 of September with an open day exhibition of work in progress on Saturday the 11th of October. Thupelo workshops are artists led and are initiated in response to a need for interaction between artists. This workshop will include 20 artists; all with experience in their various practices and able to experiment, exchange ideas and skills and expand their practices.

"The concentration of so much energy and commitment into a short period of time encourages risk taking and experimentation that might not happen in the artist's own studio. At the same time the process of exchange that lies at the heart of the [Thupelo] Workshops based on the Triangle model often has a long-term influence on the practice and sometimes the lives of the participants. The strong emphasis on process rather than product engendered by the workshops means that the work made and exhibited at the workshop open days is often not finished work"

Robert Loder

Thupelo invites established visual artists to apply to work in this dynamic, stimulating two week workshop at Greatmore Studios. Applications in all medium will be accepted. Artists should bring to the workshop their own found objects, tools, paints, scrap paper, cameras etc. Applicants need to commit to working all day, everyday. There is no budget for accommodation or transport. The two week workshop will close with an open day exhibition on Saturday 11th October.

Please see our website to view previous workshops.

To apply send your application to:



The Thupelo Cape Town Selection Committee

PO Box 250


Cape Town


For further information contact the office:

Tel: (027) 021 447 9699 Fax: (027) 088 021 447 9699

E-mail: Website:

Monday, 4 August 2008

Dinkies Sithole: Shrine Rituals

Bag Factory Artist at the Nando's Project Room # 2

Opens: Tuesday 5 August 2008 at 6:30 pm
Closes: Sunday 13 October 2008

Dinkies Sithole is the second artist in he current incarnation of the project room now appropriately called the Nando's Project Room. Sithole is a Soweto-born artist whose work traverses painting, sculpture, performance, video and other media.

The current installation is called Shrine Rituals and comprises a series of shrines made out of discarded materials. The objects in these shrines are re-invested with energy and potency. Here the scientific conception of energy meets the more universal idea of energy as something more metaphysical. For instance, many people in
South Africa don't discarding their personal affects for fear that these objects might be used to bewitch the owner. Similarly different belief systems such as Yoruba cosmology where every object has a 'life force' or "ase".

In these shrines the batteries, which are products of science, are not out of place with the miniature Buddha's, rosaries, bottles of 'umuthi' and the coloured string, often used by ZCC adherents for protection.

Sithole works bring together different beliefs both old and new, belief in science and in spirits, religion and animism. But is that not the beauty of art: that it allows for the reconciliation of these seemingly antagonistic beliefs?